Network activities are designed to promote professional contacts and career growth for all network members. To this end, we hold regularly scheduled general meetings; we conduct a periodic direct mail campaign; we maintain this web site; and we operate a free referral service to help match clients with consultants.
Our General Meetings are usually held on the 3rd Thursday of each month. See the Meetings page for exact dates.
Our mail campaign features a specially designed direct-mail advertisement introducing the Network and the web site to thousands of prospective clients each year. Our referral service features an on-line form for clients to use to help locate a consultant. Every form submitted is forwarded to all network members via email. And, of course, many network referrals are member-to-member.
Becoming a member of CNNNJ is easy as long as you meet these minimum requirements:
- You must maintain a valid IEEE membership.
- You must subscribe to our Code of Ethics.
- You must submit a membership application to the Membership Chair. Download and complete the application form below.
- You must remit the annual member promotional fee (see Application Form for details). This fee is separate from, and in addition to, the IEEE membership fees.