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The Coronavirus Pandemic: What are the Options?

2020-04-09 @ 6:30 pm 8:30 pm EDT

Attendance: 0 / 100, Remaining: 100

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On Thursday, April 9, 2020, the IEEE Consultants’ Network of Northern NJ (www.technologyontap.org) will host a presentation on the COVID-19 Pandemic. The meeting will be held online. Please subscribe to our newsletter to receive the meeting link.

About the Topic

Join us for a sober and realistic assessment of the SARS-CoV-19 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic that is currently underway with Samuel Brauer, Ph.D.. Sam discusses the disease, the coronavirus, diagnostics, challenges developing vaccines and antivirals, and what could be done to change the course of the pandemic. 

About the Speaker

Samuel Brauer, Ph.D. is the founder of Nanotech Plus, LLC an alliance of consultants focused on the business of nanotechnology, offering analysis and operational assistance in this burgeoning field to major corporations, small materials companies, venture and angel investors, and other financial institutions. Established in 2004, the firm’s projects have ranged from evaluating patent portfolios to estimating markets for novel therapeutics.

Prior to Nanotech Plus, he was with the Business Communications Company for 7 years, leading market research on a broad range of advanced materials topics including polymer nanocomposites, carbon nanotubes, advanced polymer composites, DNA micro arrays and in vitro toxicology.

He received his doctorate in bioinorganic chemistry involving chromium carcinogenesis from Dartmouth in 1990 and did a postdoctoral stint on protein structure at UC Davis.

CNNNJ Invites You to Join the Network

Founded in 1992, the IEEE Consultants Network of Northern NJ (CNNNJ) encourages and promotes the use of independent technical consultants by business and industry. The CNNNJ invites all engineers engaged in independent practice to join its ranks. For more details on member benefits and admission requirements, please visit our website at technologyontap.org.

Presentation Files

2020_04_09_COVID-19 d_presentation

2020_04_09_COVID-19 d_presentation_notes

Consultants’ Network of Northern New Jersey (CNNNJ)


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